
By Claire Chinn, Minister of Children and Mission

How many questions have you asked today? How many times have you thought “I wonder….?” Have you encountered something that you didn’t know today? What about something you were curious about? What happens when we stop asking questions? What happens when we stop being curious?

I can’t help but think that people of faith are at an advantage because we get to ask A LOT of questions. But every now and again those questions of our faith seem to fade to the back burner. I forget that our faith is one of mystery and wonder. Thankfully our children are quick to remind me of that mystery.

If you have ever spent any time around children, you know they do not lack in the question department! They are not afraid or embarrassed to ask silly questions. They are not afraid to ask questions that might not have an answer. They ask questions!

Recently I was plugging along with a lesson on the familiar story from John 1 (“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”), and I was stopped with the questions of “Wait! Was God born? So how old is God? So who is God?” At that moment I took a big gulp and realized we were about to step into some tricky theological territory. Our children were not afraid to step into that world. They were not afraid to ask question upon question.  As we dialogued, more questions poured in and more conversation happened. All of a sudden I realized that the room was filled with energy. The children's minds were racing, and they wanted—needed—to know more.

We as a faith community get to experience this every time we open our Bibles or step into a Sunday morning Bible study, because our faith invites curiosity. Our faith begs us to ask those seemingly silly or simple questions. Every time I pause before asking a question or decide not to ask a question, I remember that Wednesday night, and I remember the energy and faith that filled the room. I remember that it all started with the asking of a  simple question: "Who is God?” And I remember that our faith is rooted in curiosity.  Faith is about learning and exploring. And I pray that we never lose the eagerness of a child to ask, and to keep asking, questions.