Praying Toward Easter

by Claire Chinn, Minister of Children and Mission

It is easy to get in the spirit of Christmas (well before Advent even starts). The Christmas decorations seem to go on display earlier and earlier every year. The Christmas carols ring through our houses and businesses, and everything seems just a little brighter. But on the flip side of Advent and Christmas we have Lent. We have the somber season where we are encouraged to give up candy, coffee, sweets, really anything that seems indulgent. I mean, we start the season off by placing ashes on our foreheads and remembering that we are all going to die. What is festive about that?

Talking with children about the season of Lent is hard because it tends to be a lot of self-reflection, self-denial, and sacrifice—concepts that are hard for children to understand. I don’t have all the answers and I am still figuring it out, but one of the best ways I have found to talk and connect with children during Lent is through prayer. Not just any type of prayer, but praying through the Lord’s Prayer. 

During the seven weeks of Lent pray and try to practice the prayer:


Week 1: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Week 2: Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Week 3: Give us this day our daily bread,

Week 4: And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Week 5: And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil,

Week 6: For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Week 7: Pray the full prayer every morning.


The goal is to be able to pray these prayers in such a way that they become engrained in your daily life—to act as Jesus would and when we aren’t sure what decision to make we have that little voice in the back of our head telling us to forgive. Children get repetition; children get conversation. So throughout Lent talk to your children about the death and resurrection of Jesus. Tell them about the grace and salvation of Jesus. Tell them about your experience of being baptized. And pray together—pray daily—pray nightly. Find a way to sit, walk, stand, or roll around with your child and pray together. For in that moment, you and your child are walking closer to Jesus, and I don’t think there is anything more holy than that moment.


Parents, want some resources to help your family pray toward Easter? Sign up for a weekly email Family Prayer Guide and a text reminder each week. Just fill out the form below. It's that easy!